Monday, July 25, 2011 will live

Recently i have seen that some people desperately trying to search my old blog apparently the blog is still there but now has a new domain and apparently a new direction which has now been converted to a typical tech blog with the only purpose of attracting search traffic..

I have been seeing numerous search queries trying to ascertain if the blog is down, or it has been blocked by the government,  similar type of questions. And i do feel good about it, people remembering and trying to find me. At the same time i feel bad about killing it, but i need a old blog to build this tech blog on to, i havent deleted any content from it, but will have to delete it over the time, all the content will be shifted to this blog and for the time being i will write here, i have been seriously missing blogging and it wont go well with the scheme of things if were to write at the other tech blog the personal thing which i intend to write with the right amount of freedom.

so thats it, over and out.

1 comment:

  1. its the right thing to do man, over the years our blogs have become good search properties, we need to monitize it... and i have yet again shifted to shifted the whole stuff there..
